Seed CSS

A light-weight and mobile first CSS boilerplate.

Get started


Fork, download or install via NPM.


Create the minimum markup


You are good to go!

<head >
  <!-- Add something like this to the HEAD of your page for the Style -->
  <link href="/path/to/seed.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >

  <!-- Add something like this to the HEAD of your page when using the JS Helpers -->
  <script defer src="/path/to/seedcss.js" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ></script>

Supported browsers:

Desktop: IE 10+, Edge 12+, Chrome 21+, Firefox 22+, Opera 12.1+, and Safari 6.1+.

Mobile: Safari 7+, Android 4.4+, Blackberry 10+, Opera 12.1+, Android Chrome 71+, Android Firefox 64+ and IE 11.

# When using NPM, run this in a terminal window
$ npm install --save seed-css

The basic

This is the foundation of seed-css. In other words, it is the most fundamental features from this boilerplate. By design, the basic comes with a container, grid, responsive images, typography, pre-defined media queries and a color scheme. Even though it looks kinda few things, it lonely can help you a lot to speed up the development of a website or app.



Containers are simple DIV elements with pre-defined width (depending on the screen size) which will help you to keep the content enclosed in a specific area.

This's a container.
<div class="container" ></div>
<div class="container-fluid" ></div>
  Screen width Container
Extra Small Mobiles < 320px 90%
Mobiles < 600px 90%
Tablets <= 990px 85%
Desktops/ laptops <= 1200px 80%
Extra large desktops/ TVs > 1200px 75%
Fluid containers are all 100% with no max-width.


The grid (system) helps you to create responsive designs by defining a different number of columns (there's a maximum of 12) depending on the device width.

Offsets are also available. To apply offsets, just use the class *-offset-* to your classname.

Have fun playing with columns!


11 columns with offset of 1

Code example
<!-- This's a row. You can have as many rows as you need. -->
<div class="row" >
  <!-- This's a column. You can have up to 12 columns in a row. -->
  <div class="col sm-12 md-6 lg-3" > ... </div>
  <div class="col sm-12 md-6 lg-9" > ... </div>

Available classes for rows
Class Remarks
.row Defines each row of a grid
.stretch Forces all columns from given row to have the same height.

Available classes for columns
Class Detail Remarks
.col   Defines each column of a grid container
.stretch   Defines columns that fullfil the remaining available space from a .row. To be used alongsite .col
.xs-* (1 ~ 12) Defines a column size for extra small screens (max-width: 320px).
To be used alongside .col.
.sm-* (1 ~ 12) Defines a column size for small screens (max-width: 600px).
To be used alongside .col.
.md-* (1 ~ 12) Defines a column size for medium screens (max-width: 990px).
To be used alongside .col.
.lg-* (1 ~ 12) Defines a column size for large screens (max-width: 1200px).
To be used alongside .col.
.xl-* (1 ~ 12) Defines a column size for extra-large screens (min-width: 1200px).
To be used alongside .col.
*-offset-* (.sm, .md, .lg and .xl) and (1 ~ 12) Creates an offset of columns.
To be used alongside .col and its screen size.
E.g: .md-offset-2.

Responsive images

By default, all images are considered responsive and will adjust accordingly to the window size. In case you, for any sake, need a non responsive image, just add the class .no-responsive on it.

Sample of a responsive image

<img src="..." alt="..." >

Circle and Thumbnail

Circle image sample

Thumbnail image sample

<!-- makes a circle image -->
<img class="circle" ... >

<!-- makes a square small image -->
<img class="thumb" ... >


All default HTML tags are supported, including but not limited to the below few examples.

<head >
  <!-- Add something like this to the HEAD of your page -->
  <!-- Will add Open-Sans(400) and Lato (300,700) as title and general font-families -->
  <link href="//,700|Open+Sans:400" rel="stylesheet">

For other options, check Google Fonts out.

Header 1

Font-size:  5rem
<h1> ... </h1>

Header 2

Font-size:  4.2rem
<h2> ... </h2>

Header 3

Font-size:  3.6rem
<h3> ... </h3>

Header 4

Font-size:  3rem
<h4> ... </h4>
Header 5
Font-size:  2.4rem
<h5> ... </h5>
Header 6
Font-size:  1.5rem
<h6> ... </h6>
Paragraph Font-size:  1.5rem
<p> ... </p>
Bold Font-size:  1.5rem
<strong> ... </strong>
Italic Font-size:  1.5rem
<i> ... </i>
Underlined Font-size:  1.5rem
<u> ... </u>
Anchors Font-size:  1.5rem
<a href="" target="" > ... </a>
Ordered lists:
  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. Nested first
    2. Nested second ...
  3. Third item
Unordered lists:
  • First item
  • Second item
    • Nested first
    • Nested second ...
  • Third item
Font-size:  1.5rem
<!-- replace OL by UL or DL for different list types -->
<ol >
  <li > ... </li>
  <li > ... </li>
  <li > ... </li>
Horizontal lines

<hr  />
<hr class="dotted" />
<hr class="solid" />
Code Font-size:  1.5rem
<code > ... </code>
Font-size:  1.5rem
<pre > ... </pre>

Media queries

Media queries allows us to make an even more accurated design. In seed-css they are build to represent the screen sizes below. Also, you can safely write your own styling rules using the following queries and keep covered by seed-css grid system. Using a different set of media queries may overwrite this boilerplate grid system.

Code example
// Mobile first
@media only screen and (min-width: 0px) {

// Tablets
@media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {

// ...

Pre-defined medias
  Screen width Prefix Columns Container
Extra Small Mobiles < 320px .xs 12 90%
Mobiles < 600px .sm 12 90%
Tablets <= 990px .md 12 85%
Desktops/ laptops <= 1200px .lg 12 80%
Extra large desktops/ TVs > 1200px .xl 12 75%

Queries definition
Breakpoint Remarks
@media only screen and (max-width: 320px) {} For extra small mobile devices. (Mobile first, first iPhones)
@media only screen and (min-width: 0px) {} For mobile devices. (Mobile first)
@media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {} For tablets devices.
@media only screen and (min-width: 990px) {} For desktop/ laptop devices.
@media only screen and (min-width: 1200px) {} For extra large desktop/ TV devices.


For the sake of flexibility, seed-css does not implement its own set of icons. However, there are tons of really cool icons out there which you can easily use with this boilerplate. Some of them are trully special and free, which I strongly recommend to you to use.

Recommended (FREE) Icons/Web fonts
Eva Icons
Ion Icons
Line Awesome
Font Awesome


Oh, yes! This boilerplate wouldn't worth without colors, isn't it? That's why seed-css comes with a pre-defined set of colors exposed in classes, and the same colors can be applied both to the foreground (texts) and the background from any HTML element.

The full color list
Tag Foreground class Background class Color
.primary .primary-background #1466ff
.secondary .secondary-background #4b70b4
.red .red-background #d32f2f
.orange .orange-background #fb8c00
.green .green-background #43a047
.purple .purple-background #8e24aa
.darkgrey .darkgrey-background #666
.grey .grey-background #ccc
.softgrey .softgrey-background #f2f2f2
.white .white-background #ffffff



Alerts are used to notify the users in many different situations.


This's a default alert

This's an info alert


This's a success alert


This's a warning alert


This's a danger alert
Code example
<!-- default -->
<div class="alert" >
  The message... 

<!-- info -->
<div class="alert info" >
  The message... 

<!-- success -->
<div class="alert success" >
  The message... 

<!-- warning -->
<div class="alert warning" >
  The message... 

<!-- danger -->
<div class="alert danger" >
  The message... 


Badges are another component commonly used to notifications.






<!-- default -->
<span class="badge" > ... </span>

<!-- info -->
<span class="badge info" > ... </span>

<!-- success -->
<span class="badge success" > ... </span>

<!-- warning -->
<span class="badge warning" > ... </span>

<!-- danger -->
<span class="badge danger" > ... </span>


Buttons can be created with seed-css by simply adding the class .btn to any <a /> or <button/> element. Adding the class .primary it will become a primary button.


Playing with colors

Playing with states
Disabled (.disabled) or disabled property
Playing with sizes

Code example
<!-- .btn class makes an anchor looks like a button -->
<a class="btn" href="..." > ... </a>

<!-- default buttons and input[type="button"] -->
<button type="button" class="btn" > ... </button>
<input type="button" class="btn" value="..." />

<!-- .btn-primary makes buttons colored -->
<a class="btn btn-primary" href="..." > ... </a>
<a class="btn btn-red" href="..." > ... </a>
<a class="btn btn-green" href="..." > ... </a>

<!-- .btn-primary makes buttons on different sizes -->
<a class="btn btn-medium" href="..." > ... </a>
<a class="btn btn-small" href="..." > ... </a>

<!-- .btn-primary makes disabled buttons -->
<a class="btn disabled" href="..." > ... </a>
<button class="btn" disabled > ... </button>

Available classes
Class Detail Remarks
.btn   Makes anchors looks like buttons
.primary   Defines a 'primary' (blue) colored button
.secondary   Defines a 'secondary' (soft blue) colored button
.outline   Defines an outlined button, very similar to the default, however, used in combination with any color will produce an colored outlined button.
.disabled   Defines disabled buttons. Simply setting the disabled property will also make button looks like disabled
.link   Defines link styled buttons, which means no borders or background colors.
.(*color*)   Defines a colored button. Colors can be: red, orange, green, purple or white
.(*size*)   Defines a sized button. Sizes can be: small or medium. Default is big


Cards are important for applications and websites riches in content.

Simple cards
Card header

Card body

Code example
<div class="card" >
  <div class="card-header" >
    <h5 class="card-title" >
      Card header
  <div class="card-body" >
    <p > Card body</p>
  <div class="card-footer" >
    <p > Card footer</p>
Image cards
Sample image card
Card header
with image

Card body

Code example
<div class="card card-image" >
  <div class="card-header" >
      alt="Sample image card" 
    <h5 class="card-title" >
      Card header
  <div class="card-body" >
    <p > Card body</p>
  <div class="card-footer" >
    <p > Card footer</p>


Probably all websites and apps will contain (at least) one form, so, that's why seed-css has a really simple, easy to use and customizable form field stylesheet. Have a look on the examples below:

Simple elements
This is an additional piece of information.
This is an error message!
This is a warning message!
This is a success message!
Grouped elements
Code example
<!-- Example of an input text -->
<div class="field" >
  <label for="..." > ... </label>
  <input type="text" name="..." >

<!-- Example of an input text with feedback (success or error) -->
<div class="field has-feedback" >
  <label for="..." > ... </label>
  <input type="text" name="..." class="error" >
  <span class="warning" > ... </span>
  <span class="error" > ... </span>
  <span class="success" > ... </span>

<!-- Example of grouped fields -->
<div class="field group" >
  <div class="field" >
    <label for="..." > ... </label>
    <input type="text" name="..." >

  <div class="field" >
    <label for="..." > ... </label>
    <input type="text" name="..." >
File upload

PRO: id attribute is mandatory for file input fields and needs to match the for attribute from its label.

Code example
<!-- Example of file upload field -->
<div class="field seed-file" >
  <!-- The actual file input (Required) -->
  <input type="file" name="..." id="..." >

  <!-- Here's the magic (Required) -->
  <label for="..." >
    <span class="input" data-empty="No file chosen" > ... </span>

    <!-- Only visible when file is selected (Optional) -->
    <span class="cancel" > Remove </span>
    <!-- Only visible when there's not file selected (Optional) -->
    <span class="button" > Attach </span>

Adding the property multiple to the input element will enable multiple files selection. Also adding data-multiple="{count} ..." will customize the selected message.

Exceptionally the file upload component works better with a javascript support. Using javascript will create a much better user experience. seed-css has a plug-and-play javascript library written in VanillaJS:

When using Node JS:
import SeedCSS from 'seed-css'; // Import 
SeedCSS.fileUpload(); // Initialize 
When using Vanilla JS:
if (typeof SeedCSS !== 'undefined') {
PRO: Include the maxlength attribute if you want to enable the automatic character typing counter provided by seed-css.

Code example
<!-- Example of a textarea -->
<div class="field" >
  <label for="..." > ... </label>
  <textarea name="..." > ... </textarea>
  <span role="counter" data-template="... %a ... %b ... %c" maxlength="..." > Calculating ... </span>

To make it simple and make the user experience better, seed-css is using javascript to automaticaly calculates types chars from textareas. If you use the Javascript given, it's basically plug-an-play.

When using Node JS:
import SeedCSS from 'seed-css'; // Import 
SeedCSS.textArea(); // Initialize 
When using Vanilla JS:
if (typeof SeedCSS !== 'undefined') {
Dropdowns (Selects)
This is an error message!
Code example
<!-- Example of a dropdown -->
<div class="field seed-select" >
  <label for="..." > ... </label>
  <select name="..." >
    <option value="..." > ... </option>
    <option value="..." > ... </option>
    <option value="..." > ... </option>

Radio buttons & Checkboxes

Code example
<!-- Example of an input radio -->
<div class="field" >
  <input type="radio" name="..." >
  <label for="..." >

<!-- Example of a checkbox -->
<div class="field" >
  <input type="checkbox" name="..." >
  <label for="..." >


A modal window is an essential component for providing the best user experience, it's the easiest way for requesting imediate feedback from your visitors.

<!-- The trigger -->
<button type="button" role="modal" data-modal-id="my-modal" class="btn-primary" > 
  Open modal
<!-- The modal -->
<div class="modal hide" id="my-modal" >
  <div class="modal-window" >
    <div class="modal-header" >
      <h3 class="modal-title" >Hello world</h3>
      <!-- To close the modal, the simplest way is add role="modal-dismiss" to a clickable element -->
      <a href="#" role="modal-dismiss" class="dismiss" >
        <i class="ion-close" ></i>
    <div class="modal-body" >
      <p >This' the body of my overlay modal window.</p>
    <div class="modal-footer" >
      <p >And the footer.</p>

Using animation when showing/ hiddng the modal creates an even better experience to your users/ visitors.

To make it simple, seed-css is using Animate.CSS to apply animation to the modal window and, if you use the Javascript given, it's basically plug-an-play.

When using Node JS:

Install it using NPM: $ npm install seed-css --save

import SeedCSS from 'seed-css'; // Import 
SeedCSS.modal(); // Initialize

When using Vanilla JS:

First download the javascript library here.

<script src="seed-css.js" ></script>
if (typeof SeedCSS !== 'undefined') {

Optionally assigning it to a variable you can programatically show and hide the modal.

const modal = SeedCSS.modal(); 

Navigation bar

Navigation bar is a responsive mobile first component and will fit any screen size. When in small screens you might want to use it in conjunction to the hide classes from utilities in order to show and hide the hamburguer menu, when needed.

Horizontal navigation bar

By default, navigation bar is horizontal in seed-css.

Vertical navigation bar

However, you can still define vertical navigation bars depending on your needs. For that, you just need to add the class .vertical to the navigation bar element.

Code example
<!-- The Navigation bar -->
<nav > 
  <div class="container" > 
    <button class="hamburguer" >
    <!-- Use .logo class for a specific styling for logos -->
    <a href="#" class="logo hide-on-medium-and-up" > ... </a>

    <!-- Use .collapsible class for automatically collapse the navbar options when in small screens -->
    <ul class="collapsible" > 
      <li > 
        <!-- Use .logo class to show your logo when not collapsed -->
        <a href="#" class="logo" > LOGO </a>

      <li > 
        <!-- Use .active class when the item is active in the navbar -->
        <a href="#" class="active" > ... </a>

      <li > 
        <a href="#" > ... </a>

      <!-- Use .right class always you wanna place it on the right side -->
      <li class="right" > 
        <a href="#" > ... </a>
Available classes
To be used with NAV tag Remarks
.sticky Forces the navigation bar to be fixed on the top.
.vertical Forces the navigation bar to be vertical.
.default OR NONE Sets the default light theme.
.primary Sets the primary theme.
.secondary Sets the secondary theme.
.red Sets the red theme.
.orange Sets the orange theme.
.green Sets the green theme.
.purple Sets the purple theme.
.dark Sets the dark theme.
.transparent Sets the transparent theme.
To be used with A tag Remarks
.logo Creates a special styling for <a /> tags in the navigation bar.
To be used with LI tag Remarks
.right Places the <li /> tags to the right in the navigatin bar.

Off canvas menu

An off-canvas is that kind of component very useful to accomodate hidden navigation menus, optionally visible when the page is seeing on desktops, but essential when the viewport is as small as a mobile device.

Seed-css brings two different styles of off-canvas: aside (default) and overlay. In order to make the off-canvas work properly, it uses an arrangement of special markups and (as another exception to the rule) a JavaScript helper.

Code example
<!-- The off-canvas -->
<aside class="offcanvas" id="mycanvas"  > 

<!-- The 'on-canvas' content wrapper -->
<main class="oncanvas"  > 

<!-- The trigger -->
<button role="offcanvas" data-id="mycanvas" > 
When using Node JS:

Install it using NPM: $ npm install seed-css --save

import SeedCSS from 'seed-css'; // Import 
SeedCSS.offCanvas(); // Initialize
When using Vanilla JS:

First download the javascript library here.

<script src="seed-css.js" ></script>
if (typeof SeedCSS !== 'undefined') {

Optionally assigning it to a variable you can programatically show and hide the modal.

const canvas = SeedCSS.offCanvas(); 

Progress bars

Progress bar is an important elements for UX. If you use it accordingly, it's gonna pass the imediate response to the user. By default, the progress bar uses the .secondary color, but you can define all the existing colors from seed-css just by adding the color classes alongside .progress-bar.

Fixed progress










Undefined progress

Code example
<!-- Fixed progress -->
<div class="progress-bar secondary" >
  <div class="bar" ></div>
  <label >60%</label>

<!-- Undefined progress -->
<div class="progress-bar primary undefined" >
  <div class="bar" ></div>

The undefined progress bar also supports a raibow animation. To achieve that simply use .rainbow alongside the .undefined class.



The spinner has three different sizes: starndard, medium and big.

Medium ( .medium )
Big ( .big )

Also, the spinner animation speed can be controled with the classes: .fast (0.85s) and .furious (0.5s), while the normal speed animation will take 1.3s to complete the course.

Fast ( .fast )
Furious ( .furious )

If for some reason you want to hide the "loading" message, just include the class .lean or simply do not include the property data-label as seen in the examples.

Do you wanna colors?

Spinners also support all the pre-defined colors from seed-css.

Code example
<!-- Default -->
<div class="spinner" data-label="Loading ..." ></div>

<!-- Default, no label -->
<div class="spinner lean" data-label="Loading ..." ></div>
<div class="spinner" ></div>

<!-- Medium -->
<div class="spinner medium" data-label="Loading ..." ></div>

<!-- Big -->
<div class="spinner big" data-label="Loading ..." ></div>


Tables are intended to be used for display data.

In that matter, seed-css has very special classes to allow you show your data in a very clean and readable way. Basically, just using a default markup for data you'll get a styled table, but, you also can make use of special classes to make your tables even more readable.


Name Email Phone
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
Code example
<table class="" >
  <tbody >
    <tr >
      <td > ... </td>
      <td > ... </td>
      <td > ... </td>


Name Email Phone
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
Code example
<table class="stripped" >
  <tbody >
    <tr >
      <td > ... </td>
      <td > ... </td>
      <td > ... </td>


Name Email Phone
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
Code example
<table class="hovered" >
  <tbody >
    <tr >
      <td > ... </td>
      <td > ... </td>
      <td > ... </td>


Name Email Phone
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
Code example
<table class="bordered" >
  <tbody >
    <tr >
      <td > ... </td>
      <td > ... </td>
      <td > ... </td>

Table Responsive

Wrapping tables in a DIV with .table-responsive class helps very long tables looking good even in small devices. Wrapped tables become scrollable horizontally.

Name Email Phone
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
John Wayne 123-4567-8900
Code example
<div class="table-responsive" >
  <table  >
    <tbody >
      <tr >
        <td > ... </td>
        <td > ... </td>
        <td > ... </td>


Tooltips are an important part of UX, where you can give user additional information about a component placed on his/her screen. Seed-css gives you a simple but very efficient tooltip, which doesn't even need javascript.

Hover here!
Hover here!
Hover here!
Hover here!
Code example
<!-- top -->
<span class="with-tooltip top" tooltip="Hover here!" >

<!-- right -->
<span class="with-tooltip right" tooltip="Hover here!" >

<!-- bottom (default) -->
<span class="with-tooltip bottom" tooltip="Hover here!" >

<!-- left -->
<span class="with-tooltip left" tooltip="Hover here!" >


Utilities are classes that can help you to easily show up your data or content in a beatiful way.
It can be used combined with other available classes.

Text size

This text is 30% bigger

<p class="lead" > ... </p>
Class Remarks
.lead Increase font-size in 30%
Text alignment

This is left aligned

<p class="align-left" > ... </p>

This is center aligned

<p class="align-center" > ... </p>

This is right aligned

<p class="align-right" > ... </p>

This is justified. This is justified. This is justified. This is justified. This is justified. This is justified. This is justified. This is justified.

<p class="align-justify" > ... </p>
Class Remarks
.align-left Aligns on left
.align-right Aligns on right
.align-center Aligns on center
.align-justify Aligns justified
Text transform

This text should not break when the screen width is smaller then the text length.

<p class="nowrap" > ... </p>

this text should be camel case.

<p class="camel-case" > ... </p>

only the first character of this text should be capitalized.

<p class="uc-first" > ... </p>

All letters of this text should be capitalized.

<p class="upper-case" > ... </p>

All letters of this text should be lower case.

<p class="lower-case" > ... </p>

Class Remarks
.nowrap Forces the HTML to ignore white spaces when wrapping lines.
.camel-case Capitalize the first character of any word
.uc-first Capitalize the first character only from the first word
.upper-case Capitalize all character
.lower-case Make all letters in lower case
.lead Make the text 30% bigger
Element Floating

Floating elements are very hepful for quick element alignments.

This is floating center

This is floating left This is floating right

<span class="place-left" > ... </span>
<span class="place-right" > ... </span>
<span class="place-center" > ... </span>

Class Remarks
.place-left Places an element on left
.place-right Places an element on right
.place-center Places an element on center
Margins & Paddings

Every CSS boilerplate has its own set of standard styling defined, and on that matter, seed-css is not too different! It comes with pre-defined element styles that helps speed-up the development process. However, it also brings you a simple way for quickly customize any margin and/or padding definition for any element.

<!-- Removes margin left -->
<div class="ml-0" > ... </div>
<!-- Removes margin top -->
<div class="mt-0" > ... </div>
<!-- Removes margin right -->
<div class="mr-0" > ... </div>
<!-- Removes margin bottom -->
<div class="mb-0" > ... </div>

Possible value range goes from 0 to 50, in steps of 5.

Class Remarks
.m-(*number*) Defines what margin size should be applied to an element, all sides at same time.
.mx-(*number*) Defines what margin size should be applied to both the left and right side from the element at same time.
.my-(*number*) Defines what margin size should be applied to both the top and bottom side from the element at same time.
.ml-(*number*) Defines what margin size should be applied to the left side of an element.
.mt-(*number*) Defines what margin size should be applied to the top side of an element.
.mr-(*number*) Defines what margin size should be applied to the right side of an element.
.mb-(*number*) Defines what margin size should be applied to the bottom side of an element.

<!-- Removes padding left -->
<div class="pl-0" > ... </div>
<!-- Removes padding top -->
<div class="pt-0" > ... </div>
<!-- Removes padding right -->
<div class="pr-0" > ... </div>
<!-- Removes padding bottom -->
<div class="pb-0" > ... </div>

Possible value range goes from 0 to 50, in steps of 5.

Class Remarks
.p-(*number*) Defines what padding size should be applied to an element, all sides at same time.
.px-(*number*) Defines what padding size should be applied to both the left and right side from the element at same time.
.py-(*number*) Defines what padding size should be applied to both the top and bottom side from the element at same time.
.pl-(*number*) Defines what padding size should be applied to the left side of an element.
.pt-(*number*) Defines what padding size should be applied to the top side of an element.
.pr-(*number*) Defines what padding size should be applied to the right side of an element.
.pb-(*number*) Defines what padding size should be applied to the bottom side of an element.

Shadows are very useful for highligth a particular object or even given a motion sense, and seed-css comes already with two pre-defined shadows style (.with-shadow and .with-shadow-inset).

A drop shadowed element

An inset shadowed element
<!-- Drop shadow -->
<div class="with-shadow" > ... </div>

<!-- Inset shadow -->
<div class="with-shadow-inset" > ... </div>

Show and hide elements from your pages can be an usefull ability to improve the user experience of your apps or websites.

Class Remarks
.hide Hide an element in any device.
.hide-only-small Hide an element on small devices only.
.hide-only-medium Hide an element on medium devices only.
.hide-only-large Hide an element on large devices only.
.hide-only-extra-large Hide an element on extra-large devices only.
.hide-on-medium-and-down Hide an element on all small and medium devices
.hide-on-medium-and-up Hide an element on all devices, except for small ones
.hide-on-large-and-down Hide an element on all devices, except for extra-large ones
.hide-on-large-and-up Hide an element on all large and extra-large devices
<!-- Hide on all devices -->
<div class="hide" > ... </div>

<!-- Hide on small devices -->
<div class="hide-only-small" > ... </div>

<!-- Hide on medium and small devices -->
<div class="hide-on-medium-and-down" > ... </div>

<!-- Hide on medium devices -->
<div class="hide-only-medium" > ... </div>

<!-- Hide on medium and large devices -->
<div class="hide-on-medium-and-up" > ... </div>

<!-- Hide on large devices -->
<div class="hide-only-large" > ... </div>

<!-- Hide on large and extra-large devices -->
<div class="hide-on-large-and-up" > ... </div>

<!-- Hide on small, medium and large devices -->
<div class="hide-on-large-and-down" > ... </div>

<!-- Hide on extra-large devices -->
<div class="hide-only-extra-large" > ... </div>

The display classes make it very simple to control the object.

This is a block element

This is a inline-block element
This is a element with display initial
<!-- Block -->
<div class="d-block" > ... </div>

<!-- Inline Block -->
<div class="d-inline" > ... </div>

<!-- Initial -->
<div class="d-initial" > ... </div>

JavaScript Library Download

As a general rule, seed-css is not JavaScript dependent because it is implemented purely in CSS (using Sass), however, there are a few exceptions created in order to deliver a high level experience to your visitors/ users. Any component which has the (optional) JavaScript dependence has it written on its own section.

Existing helpers:
Helper Detail Remarks
fileUpload SeedCSS.fileUpload() Custom HTML InputFileUploadElement.
modal SeedCSS.modal([options]) Modal overlay window with handlers for ESC key, outside click and animations powered by Animate.CSS. Check the documentation here
offCanvas SeedCSS.offCanvas() Off-canvas panel.
textArea SeedCSS.textArea() Custom HTML TextareaElement with characters counter.
scroll SeedCSS.scroll([options]) A simple yet handy scroll smoother which makes scrolling navigation soft and more enjoyable.Check the documentation here
window.CustomEvent new CustomEvent(name[, option]) A simple yet cross-browser polyfill for CustomEvents calls. Used internally by all helpers.


It is plug-and-play and dependecy free.
or check the code on Github


The MIT license.

Copyright © 2016-2019, Rogerio Taques.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



This is an open-source project and you can freely contribute.

By contributing you will help me to improve the code-base and make seed-css even better to other developers like us.

How to contribute?
  • Improving this page;
  • Testing and reporting bugs;
  • Fixing bugs or implementing missing features;

Check the source-code on Github, fork the project and submit your pull-requests. I'll review, discuss it as needed with you and approve and merge as soon as possible.

Don't know coding?

No worries! If you're not confident coding and think you cannot help much on that way, yet still wanna contribute in some way, you can help us donating any amout of money!

Buy me a coffee.Buy me a coffee.