
Empower web sites and apps design through clever CSS selectors.

Oops! Seems that my server isn't reacheable now. Some features from this sample page might not work correctly. I'm sorry about that.

Detectr.js is a very small javascript library which gives you the ability to write clever and specific CSS rules to refine your website design for each different browser, platform, device and operating system.

Rendered classes for this page

You might see the head box in different colors, according on the browser you're visiting this page. Check in the table below if the color you're seeing matches with the browser you're using.

Are you not seeing the correct color in the sample box?


Copy the code above and open an issue on Github, telling me what CSS rules are expected to be defined.

Browser colors
  Google Chrome
  Microsoft Internet Explorer
  Android Stock Browser (Native)
  Any other browser ...

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